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About Us

Supporting growth for a sustainable future!

Premium Organic Seaweed Fertilisers and Organic Miracle Growth Boost Fertilisers rich in Vermicompost

Welcome to Nature Boost, specialists in Organic Fertilisers. We have dedicated ourselves to testing, researching, and refining our manufacturing processes to introduce unique, effective, and high-quality products. 


Located in Northern Ireland, we specialise in plant, crop and soil regeneration to enhance growth productivity. We are a family run company with more than 20 years of experience growing crops at a commercial level. Our aim was to create Organic fertiliser products that not only provide essential nutrition to crops, protecting them from plant disease and enhancing soil regeneration, but our products are also dynamic, natural and sustainable.


Our Organic Fertiliser products are developed from completely natural resources and contain absolutely no hazardous or toxic ingredients. We take great pride in being certified organic by the Irish Organic Association, ensuring that our products meet the highest standards in farming.


Thank you for choosing Nature Boost. 


Promoting Sustainable Growing at Nature Boost

All of our Organic Fertiliser products at Nature Boost are 100% Natural with no chemicals. We have formulated unique blends incorporating vermicompost, seaweed and volcanic dust to develop the most effective, sustainable formulas to provide optimum nutrition for your crops and soil.


Our products restore the life and fertility back into your soil, improving soil condition for future generations. 


Restoring your soil to its full health means that you no longer need expensive chemical fertilisers, which kill vital soil microbes. Let the best of nature, work for you.



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Nature Boost, Specialists in Organic Fertilisers

"Sustainability is not a goal to be reached, but a way of being."

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